Sav is committed to upholding the highest standards of domain registration. In line with this commitment, we adhere strictly to Nominet's data verification guidelines for .UK and .CO.UK domain names. These guidelines ensure that the contact details provided by registrants are both accurate and verifiable. If, for any reason, a .UK or .CO.UK domain name is flagged for data verification, the registrant will promptly be notified.
Upon notification, registrants have a 48-hour window to respond. This response can take one of two forms:
1. Provide a valid document from Nominet's approved list for verification. The approved list currently comprises:
- Utility bill
- Bank statement
- Driving license
- Passport
- Official government letter
- Other approved documents as listed by Nominet
2. Update the contact details associated with the domain to ensure they are accurate and verifiable.
It is of paramount importance that registrants take this notification seriously. Failure to provide a satisfactory response within the 48-hour window will lead to the domain being disabled. This policy is not just a formality; it's a crucial step in maintaining the integrity of the domain registration process and ensuring that the .UK and .CO.UK digital landscape remains trustworthy. We implore all our valued customers to comply promptly and help us in this collective effort.