Removing Sedo/Afternic Fast Transfer Authorizations

About Sedo and Afternic Fast Transfers
Typically, transfers require the seller to unlock the domain, provide the auth code, then wait up to 7 days for the transfer to complete. Sedo and Afternic's fast-transfer network allows for a fully automated transfer that completes within minutes after a domain is sold through Sedo or Afternic. 
Removing a listing from Sedo or Afternic will also remove that listing from Sav and remove the fast transfer authorization. There is no longer any need to contact support if it is your listing.To remove a listing from Sedo: 
  1. Log in to your Sedo account

To remove a listing from Afternic:
  1. Log in to your Afternic account 

If you need to remove a fast transfer authorization placed by a previous owner of your domain, send a support ticket through out Help Center. 
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