Understanding Why Unfamiliar IP Addresses Come Up on a DNS Lookup

About DNS
The Domain Name System (DNS) routes web traffic and emails for a domain to the server responsible for hosting the content. This allows your visitors to be able to load content or send emails without having to memorize IP addresses or any technical details. 
Enabling Custom DNS will change the nameservers on your domain to point to Cloudflare and will take down any previous website or email server.
About DNS Proxy
Sav's DNS is powered by Cloudflare which provides free additional services such as SSL, CDN, DDoS Protection and more when traffic is routed through their Web Proxy. The Web Proxy is a server that sits before a domain's web server that applies SSL and filters traffic before reaching your server directly. This can be enabled or disabled by the Proxy dropdown when adding or editing a DNS record on Sav. Learn more at https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/205177068-How-does-Cloudflare-work-
When you do a DNS lookup on your domain, you may see IP addresses that isn't the one specified in your DNS records. If they begin with 104 or 172 they are Cloudflare's IP addresses, which come up if you have proxy enabled on your DNS record. If you want DNS proxy enabled, you don't have to change anything and your site will continue to function normally.

If you would like to disable DNS proxy 
  1. Login to your Sav account. 
  2. Navigate to the My Domains tab. 
  3. Click on the domain you want to disable DNS proxy from. 
  4. Click Manage DNS. 
  5. Click the pencil icon next to the record you would like to edit. 
  6. Select "DNS Only" from the dropdown menu in the proxy column. 
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