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Internal Collections

Internal Collections are saved and managed in the Content Library and can be used to create Dynamic Pages. For more information, see Dynamic Pages.

Internal Collections have the following limitations:

Collection Number per Site100
Inner collection rows30
Inner collection fields10
Text field character limit2000
Collection name character limit50
Field name character limit50
Page item URL350 characters
Update dataSite/content library publish

You can create dynamic pages with internal collections by adding one of the ready-to-use dynamic pages in the Pages panel that is automatically connected to an internal collection or by creating a new collection.

To use a ready-to-use dynamic page and internal collection:

  1. In the left panel, click Pages, and then click +New Page.
  2. In the Add a Dynamic Page section, click a page that is connected to an internal collection.
  3. Type a Page Name, and click +Add Page.
  4. Click Go to Collection to update the content in the internal collection.
  5. Note

    Keep the field names as they are so they stay connected to the widgets.

  6. In the navigation bar, click Done.

For more information on adding pages, see Pages and Popups.

To create a new internal collection:

  1. In the left panel, click Content, and then click Collections.
  2. Click +New Collection, and select Internal Collection
  3. To rename the collection, click the collection name and type a new name.
  4. Add items to the collection by typing an item (the page item URL in Dynamic pages), and any associated fields. Double-click in the field to add information. To add more fields, click the Add New Field () icon on the right side of the table.
  5. To edit the content of a full row, point to the row and click the arrows () to open the row in a separate dialog. Alternatively, right-click the row, and then select Edit Row.
  6. To edit the field types, click the arrow next to the field, and select Edit Field.
    • Type a new name for the field.
    • Select a field type from the menu.
  7. Click Save.

Edit Internal Collection Row

To edit a row in an internal collection from a dynamic:

  1. Open the Dynamic Page to edit the page in Dynamic Mode.
  2. At the top of the page, click the Edit Row () button.
  3. Edit any fields and at the top of the page, click Done.

The new internal collection displays in the collection panel. The next step is to create or convert a dynamic page to connect your collection. For more information, see Create Dynamic Pages.


The content of the internal collections updates when the site is published or republished.

Supported Fields

Field TypeExample
Rich Text

Welcome to my dentist office

Plain Textwelcome to my office



Must only contain numbers, and periods (for decimals).


Select an image.


Business Hours

Select business hours.


Enter a location.



Vimeo, YouTube, and Dailymotion videos are supported.




Image Collection 

Convert Collection Fields

You can convert field types between the following fields (even if the fields already contain data): plain text, rich text, and number.

  • Converting from rich text to plain text removes all markup from the field.
  • Converting from rich text or plain text to number fields is possible if the data in the field only contains numbers.

To convert collection field types:

  1. In the side panel of the editor, click Content, and then click Collections.
  2. Open the collection containing the field you want to convert.
  3. Click the name of the field you want to convert, and click Edit Field.
  4. Select a new field type from the drop-down list.
  5. Click Convert.
    To undo the change, click the field name, and then click Revert Field Change.
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