Setting Up Custom DNS

About DNS
The Domain Name System (DNS) routes web traffic and emails for a domain to the server responsible for hosting the content. This allows your visitors to be able to load content or send emails without having to memorize IP addresses or any technical details. 
Enabling Custom DNS will change the nameservers on your domain to point to Cloudflare and will take down any previous website or email server.
  1. Login to your Sav account.
  2. Navigate to My Domains.
  3. Click on the domain you want to set up custom DNS for. 
  4. Click the Manage DNS button.
  5. Click the Enable button under the Custom header and review the notice.
  6. To add a DNS record, choose the Type, Name and Value from the table then click Add. Use "@" for the Name if the record is for the root domain. 
  7. To edit a DNS record, click the Pencil Icon next to the record in the table. 
  8. To delete a DNS record, click the Trash Icon next to the record in the table.
Please allow up to 48 hours for DNS changes to take effect.
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