Performing a WHOIS Lookup

When a domain is registered, ICANN requires domain registrants to provide verifiable contact details. The WHOIS directory information displayed will vary depending on if you have WHOIS Privacy enabled or not. Sav provides this privacy service at no extra cost to you if your domain is eligible.

Using an Online Tool

This is the easiest way to search for the domain registration information.
  1. Navigate to ICANN's WHOIS Lookup Portal.
  2. In the Domain Name search bar, enter the domain name you would like to access WHOIS data for.
  3. Click the Lookup button.

Using a Computer Terminal

If you have a PC:
  1. Right click on the Start menu.
  2. Click on Command Prompt, this will open a terminal.
  3. In the terminal, type in your query using the following format: 

whois  -v
If you have a Mac:
  1. Press the Command button and the space bar simultaneously.
  2. In the Spotlight Search, type Terminal and click on it.
  3. In the terminal, type in your query using the following format:

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