Setting Up Forwarding for Your Domain

About Forwarding a Domain
Domain forwarding (also called redirecting) allows you to forward or redirect visitors of your domain to a different domain, webpage, URL, etc. Forwarding can be useful when you want to direct traffic to an existing website.
Enabling forwarding will change the nameservers on your domain to point to Cloudflare and will take down any previous website or email server.
  1. Login to your Sav account.
  2. Navigate to the Domain's Settings page then click on the domain within My Domains or search for the domain in the Domain Search Bar.
  3. Click the Manage DNS button in the DNS & Domain Forwarding section of the page.
  4. Click on Switch under the Forward section.
  5. Fill in the domain you want to forward all traffic to.
  6. Choose which type of forwarding you want, permanent or temporary. The type controls what HTTP code is used and has an impact on Search Engine Optimization (SEO). If you are unsure what to choose, choose permanent and you can change it later.
  7. Click Save to apply your settings.


You can disable forwarding by changing the domain’s nameservers to Sav’s defaults, and To do this:
Update a Single Domain
  1. Login to your Sav account.
  2. Navigate to the Domain's Settings page then click on the domain within My Domains or search for the domain in the Domain Search Bar.
  3. Navigate to the Nameservers section on the page.
  4. Change the Nameservers to and
  5. Click the Update button to save the changes.
Update Bulk Domains
  1. Login to your Sav account.
  2. Check all the domains you want to update on the My Domains page.
  3. Click the Bulk Actions button, then choose Nameserver.
  4. Enter and to be applied to all selected domains.
  5. Click the Update Domains button to start the bulk update.
  6. Only domains with a status of “In Account” can be updated.


Forwarding your domain will only redirect web traffic, not email.
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