Transferring a Domain to Another Sav User

About the Change of Account Process
When you transfer a domain to another Sav user this is called a Change of Account. A Change of Account will instantly move the domain to another Sav user's account as well as update the WHOIS contacts for the domain.

Transfer a Single Domain

  1. Login to your Sav account.
  2. Navigate to the Domain's Settings page then click on the domain within My Domains or search for the domain in the Domain Search Bar.
  3. In the Other Options section, click Transfer Domain to Another Sav User.
  4. Enter the Recipient's Email Address.
  5. Click Send Domains.

Transfer Bulk Domains

  1. Login to your Sav account.
  2. Check all the domains you want to update on the My Domains page. 
  3. Click the Bulk Actions button, then choose Change Account. 
  4. Enter the Recipient's Email Address.
  5. Click Push Domains.
To receive a domain via Change of Account the recipient must have a Default WHOIS Contact in their My Account page otherwise the Change of Account cannot be started.
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