Selling a Domain on the Marketplace

About the Sav Marketplace
The Sav Marketplace allows you to sell domains that you own. You can list a domain on the Marketplace whether the domain is registered at Sav or at another registrar.
There are two ways to sell domains on Sav: Buy Now Listings and Auctions. Buy Now Listings allow you to set a fixed price for purchasing your domains. Auctions sell your domain to the highest bidder. 

Creating a Buy Now Listing

  1. Login to your Sav account.
  2. Navigate to the Marketplace page.
  3. To list a domain, enter the domain and price in the following format with the domain and price separated by a comma:,90,70,60,200

4. Click the Upload button.

Listing a Domain for Auction

  1. Login to your Sav account.
  2. Navigate to the Marketplace page.
  3. To start an auction, enter the domains with one domain per line:

4. Click the Start Auction button.
You must agree to Sav's Domain Name Marketplace Agreement prior to creating a Buy Now Listing or starting an Auction.
You can learn more about selling domains here
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