About the Domain WHOIS Contacts
As part of the domain registration process, ICANN requires domain registrants (domain owners/holders) to provide verifiable contact details. These include Name, Organization, Address, Phone, and Email. For privacy concerns, a registrant will sometimes want to keep their contact details hidden, so Sav will redact their WHOIS information.
Contacting a the Owner of a Domain
- Perform a WHOIS lookup on the domain name at https://lookup.icann.org/.
- If privacy protection is not enabled, then you can contact the registrant directly using the email address or phone number in the contact.
- If the contact information is redacted, follow the link provided in the WHOIS lookup.
- Alternatively, if the domain is with Sav, navigate directly to the Domain Holder Contact Requests Form.
- Fill in the necessary information marked with a red asterisk.
- Pass the captcha to verify you are not a robot.
- Click Send message. This will send an email to the proper registrant of the domain name.
The registrant is not required to reply back to messages.