Contacting the Owner of a Domain

About the Domain WHOIS Contacts

As part of the domain registration process, ICANN requires domain registrants (domain owners/holders) to provide verifiable contact details. These include Name, Organization, Address, Phone, and Email. For privacy concerns, a registrant will sometimes want to keep their contact details hidden, so Sav will redact their WHOIS information.

Contacting a the Owner of a Domain

  1. Perform a WHOIS lookup on the domain name at
  2. If privacy protection is not enabled, then you can contact the registrant directly using the email address or phone number in the contact.
  3. If the contact information is redacted, follow the link provided in the WHOIS lookup.
  4. Alternatively, if the domain is with Sav, navigate directly to the Domain Holder Contact Requests Form.
  5. Fill in the necessary information marked with a red asterisk.
  6. Pass the captcha to verify you are not a robot.
  7. Click Send message. This will send an email to the proper registrant of the domain name.
The registrant is not required to reply back to messages.
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